Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Agility of Mind: Leveraging Twitter & Quizlet with a SNOW DAY!

With another snow day looming, I want to keep the learning and conversation flowing.

1. Continue Reading - through Ch. 24 for Tuesday

2. Tweet a quote and question for each chapter: 17-24.

Here are some great examples:

3. Engage via Twitter - Favorite, Retweet, Reply.

Be mindful: Everything is public on Twitter.

4. Post 3 words to Quizlet.

1. Invite: http://quizlet.com/join/SHtCdP7bU - sign in to Quizlet

2. Definition

3. Quote with Chapter  (________________ for vocab word in the quote.)

4. Your name - see example (Carli) (Adam)

Highly Recommended: DOWNLOAD the APP on your mobile devices!

Note to the wise: Cyber Days

With more Snow days possible (this Thursday!), you must continue to READ - and study!

Take ownership of your learning.

You should know that some schools have turned to virtual school days online, so students can continue to learn while school buildings are closed and roads are hazardous. One article that resonated included this quote:

“It also provides them with experience in asynchronous learning, an activity they are likely to encounter after high school.”

For example, do you know what a MOOC is? Checkout free courses taught by top professors at top universities on Coursera.com and see this complete list of MOOCs.

Listen to this:

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